domenica 7 marzo 2010

Cerchi nel grano: Si è spenta la B del BLT

Apprendiamo dal sito del BLT RESEARCH TEAM INC. che il 26 Febbraio scorso è purtroppo venuto a mancare John A. Burke, uno dei tre membri che costituivano il gruppo BLT.
B era l'iniziale del cognome di John A. Burke, L di W.C. Levengood e T di Nancy Talbott.

Riporto quanto Nancy Talbott scrive alla pagina di commemorazione e aggiungo qualche commento in fondo:

John A. Burke
November 13, 1951 - February 26, 2010

John A. Burke, the "B" in "BLT Research Team Inc." and a native of Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, has died at the age of 58. An inspired and tireless advocate for the likelihood that natural (although currently undiscovered) forces are involved in the crop circle phenomenon, John carried out a considerable volume of new research during the 1990s, very much "behind the scenes."

In 1995 he co-authored the peer-reviewed paper "Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron Associated with a Crop Formation" (J. Sci. Exploration) which presented evidence that molten iron-rich deposits discovered in a 1993 crop circle had been produced when meteoric dust, heated through interaction with a descending plasma vortex, had impacted the field.

In conjunction with his crop circle work with Michigan biophysicist W.C. Levengood John was instrumental in developing the "MIR Stressguard" process, a technique which replicated the BLT Team's discovery that seeds taken from crop circles which had occurred in mature plants grew both faster than normal and also produced increased yield while simultaneously withstanding typical plant stressors. Years of attempts by John to bring this technology to the world's seed companies failed, because the financial profits which could be anticipated were less than those garnered by the current, genetic, approach.

During the last 10 years John had pursued multiple other interests and in 2005 he and colleague Kaj Halberg published their ground-breaking book "Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty" which presented evidence that naturally-occuring earth energies had been not only recognized, but utilized, by the ancient megalith builders in multiple cultures around the world. Reviewed by Boston University geologist Robert M. Schoch, the book was praised as "utterly fascinating" and a new "approach to understanding the mysteries of ancient megalithic structures."

Most recently John had been working on a method to calibrate pain levels so that medical professionals could more accurately provide relief of suffering. Animal trials had been found effective and testing with humans was being planned.

John, who had been long divorced, is survived by four sisters and one brother, all of whom were with him when he died. John was a pioneer...and I will miss him very much, too.

Nancy Talbott
BLT Research Team Inc.
February, 2010

Links to some of John's contributions:

"Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron Associated with a Crop Formation"

"The Physics of Crop Formations"

The MIR "Stressguard" Process (see item #7)

"Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty"

Per chi conosce e segue in maniera razionale la storia dei cerchi, dovrebbe sapere che il BLT, guidato sostanzialmente dal famigerato W. C. Levengood, ha in qualche modo contribuito a creare una grossa confusione sul fenomeno a partire dal 1990.
Ha ingenerato ad esempio la falsa convinzione che la scienza, tramite le loro pubblicazioni, si fosse pronunciata sul fenomeno decretandone la misteriosità misteriosa.

Le cose non stanno così, l'ho già scritto in molti post precedenti. I lavori del BLT sono costellati di numerosi pregiudizi, assunti ed errori metodologici e di impostazione.

Ad esempio Nancy Talbott nella sua commemorazione decanta la presunta evidenza che in una formazione del 1993 fosse stato trovato del ferro meteoritico fuso sul grano, prodotto appunto da polvere meteoritica (udite, udite) portata ad alta temperatura da un vortice di plasma discendente:

In 1995 he co-authored the peer-reviewed paper "Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron Associated with a Crop Formation" (J. Sci. Exploration) which presented evidence that molten iron-rich deposits discovered in a 1993 crop circle had been produced when meteoric dust, heated through interaction with a descending plasma vortex, had impacted the field.

Su questo caso ho spiegato in dettaglio le cose come stanno in questo mio post.

Il circlemaker Robert Irving realizzò la formazione e sparse sulle spighe del materiale a base di ferro ricevuto da Jim Schnabel che all'epoca era alla Oxford University.

Come ho già scritto, il caso è ampiamente trattato e sviscerato da Ronald Ashby su queste pagine:
The H-Glaze Explained

Francesco Grassi

2 commenti:

  1. Assurdo! C'è un controsenso pauroso nelle prime righe, dove la Talbot scrive: "for the likelihood that natural (although currently undiscovered) forces are involved in the crop circle phenomenon,".

    Quindi ci sarebbero coinvolte forze nella creazione dei Crop Circles,.... ma sono ancora attualmente da scoprire (SIC!)

    LOL! Fantastico!!

  2. Si, ma non sono solo forze (vortici di plasma) ma sarebbero anche naturali, cioè senza un'intelligenza dietro.
    Come si fa a dare credibilità alle cose che dice il BLT?
