With this tip you will be able to see your Fretlight playing your own tablatures or already existing ones.
For further information about Fretlight guitar you can read here.
- You have to download and buy Guitar Pro:
http://www.guitar-pro.com/ - Create your own "Guitar Pro File" or open an existing one (it imports as well PowerTab files)
- Identify the track you are interested in (i.e. the track you want to be played by your Fretlight)
- Duplicate this track (you have now 2 identical tracks, the original track will be used to play the MIDI notes with M-Player)
- Select the second track (the copied one)
- Click F6 button (or "Track -> Properties" from the toolbar)
- It will open following dialog: (click the picture to see it in full size)
- Important: name the track like this "FMP - " + "whatyouwant" (ex. "FMP - Track1")
- Check the flag "Force Channels 11 to 16"
- Click OK
- Export to MIDI
That's it!
Play your MIDI exported file with M-Player, you will hear the sound and see on your Fretlight the notes lighted on in real time.
[Added: 14 July 2008]
Some people reported to me to receive error messages from M-Player similar to this: "Unable to load file.Automation error. The object invoked has disconnected from its clients".
I too experienced this kind of problems using latest M-Player version with Vista.
It seems it really depends on M-Player version.
Anyway, using Win2000 or WinXP with M-Player v1.2.5214 everything works fine.
If you have Win2000 or WinXP you can download this M-Player specific version from here:
But if you want to avoid to downgrade M-Player, you can try this tip before:
- once you have your MIDI file exported, open it with a pure MIDI editor and save it again as MIDI
It has been reported that this tip should be able to fix the problem.
Francesco Grassi
How do I duplicate a track in Guitar Pro?
RispondiEliminaOne way could be:
RispondiElimina- select all the notes from the existing track
- create a new empty track
- paste everything into the new empty track
Hey, I'm on a mac, and it does not seem to work (crashes when you try to open the midi file) I wan't to try your second approach . . . opening the midi file in a pure midi editor. Do you have any idea what midid editor would work for mac, or do you have any suggestion for doing this on the mac os?
Hi, I was told that Rondo (Fractured Software) could work for Mac.
RispondiEliminaPlease, try it and post your comment here.
i just purchased the fretlight and I would like to know how to play my own music. I followed your intructions but no success> I have windows 7 installed on my comp. any susggestions? thank you
RispondiEliminaErick, drop me an email to grassi66@gmail.com and I will send to you a set of working files to test.
RispondiEliminaLater we will see.
I'm on a mac and trying to to do this also but mplayer crashes even after opening and saving with another midi app
RispondiEliminacrashes on a mac even when opened with another midi app and resaved